英文字 加s 或者 ies
以下生字加左s 或者ies ,我想知係點嫁?如:1)whem they are in park,they seem to forget all their worries .===>個(worries)2)They are full of spirits.===>個(spirits)3)It fits. ===>個(fits)4)Looks good.===>個(Looks)5)People kept coming in streams.===>個(streams)6)The stream winds through the... 顯示更多 以下生字加左s 或者ies ,我想知係點嫁? 如: 1)whem they are in park,they seem to forget all their worries .===>個(worries) 2)They are full of spirits.===>個(spirits) 3)It fits. ===>個(fits) 4)Looks good.===>個(Looks) 5)People kept coming in streams.===>個(streams) 6)The stream winds through the village.===>個(winds) 7)Never!Your proposal implies we are fools! ===>個(implies) 同 (fools) 請問有沒有其他例子 同埋 告訴我幾時加(s) 或者 (ies) ...點用 thx~
1)喱度既worries係名詞, 前面係their, 即係眾數, worry本字係"y"字尾, 所以變成worries 2)喱度既sprits都係名詞, 前面係they are, 即係眾數, 所以變成sprits 3)喱度既ftis係動詞, 前面係it, 即係單數, 所以fit本字變成fits 4)喱度既looks係動詞, 前面什麼也沒有, 就好似平時成日講sounds good, tastes good咁, 會係加s 5)喱度既keep coming即係表示陸續有人coming, 係有好多條streams, 所以係眾數, 有s, 喱度streams係名詞 6)winds喱度係動詞, 前面係stream, 單數, 所以wind要加s 7)implies作動詞, 前面係proposal, 單數, 所以加s fools作名詞, 前面用we are, 眾數, 加s 大部份字作名詞而又係眾數時, 要加s/es/ies或不變, 要看那個是什麼字 如: mango --- > mangoes apple --- > apples cherry --- > cherries (大部份y字收尾的字都轉y做ies, 但也有小部分例外) rice --- > rice (不變, 因為是數不盡, uncountable) 而大部份字作動詞而又作第三身或單數時, 要加s/es/ies 如: wash --- > washes play --- > plays worry --- > worries 但只是大部份字是按這規則, 有些字是例外的, 你自己要多留意跟練習, 便會慢慢懂的了=] 希望幫到你~
S即是: 構成名詞的複數:a cat and two dogs. 構成大多數動詞的第三人稱單數現在式:he plays,she sits 構成副詞表示“在某一段特定時間”:Do you work on Sundays 構成單數名詞和非-s結尾的複數名詞的所有格:My sister's husband ies和s的意思相同,但在英文的語法上, 當某一個生詞最後一個字是y的時候,就要轉成ies.|||||1. worries (reason: countable noun in plural form) 2. spirits (reason: countable noun in plural form. Here, the word spirits means ghosts) 3. fits (reason: verb in the simple present tense with a singular subject) 4. Looks (reason: verb in the simple present tense. The subject " it " is understood.) 5. streams (reason: " in streams " is an adverbial clause which means people coming seamlessly) 6. winds (reason: verb in the simple present tense with a singular subject) 7. implies (reason: verb in the simple present tense with a singular subject) fools (reason: countable noun in plural form) The simple rules are: a. All countable nouns (e.g. cup, phone, computer, etc) can take an " s " to become the plural form (exceptions are the irregular countable nouns such as man, focus, etc whose plurals are men, foci, etc.) b. All singular subjects (e.g. he, she, it) in simple present tense should take the verb pattern as " verb + s ". For example, She sings beautifully The postman comes to my apartment everyday. It rains quite often in summer. When the verb ends with a ' y ', then the pattern will become " verb + ies ". E.g. He carries his son to school everyday. Simon studies hard to prepare for his coming examinations. Hope the above helps you understand more about the usage.|||||1)whem they are in park,they seem to forget all their worries .===>個(worries) ~ here "worries" is a noun in plural form of "worry", 解憂慮, 2)They are full of spirits.===>個(spirits) ~ here "spirits" is a noun in plural form for peoples more than 2, 解振作的精神 3)It fits. ===>個(fits) ~ here "fits" is the present tense of "fit", 解合適 4)Looks good.===>個(Looks) ~ here "looks" is the present tense of "look", 解看起來 5)People kept coming in streams.===>個(streams) ~ here "streams" is a noun in plural form of "streams", 解溪流, 意思人潮如溪流般湧入 6)The stream winds through the village.===>個(winds) ~ here "winds" is the present tense of "wind", 解流過 7)Never!Your proposal implies we are fools! ===>個(implies) 同 (fools) ~ here "implies" is the present tense of "imply", 解暗示 Usually, if the word in noun form and end with the letter "y" like " worry" of the above no. 1, then in plural form will change to "worries". If for the tense matter, nouns in present tense will have to add "s" or "es". Hope this help.|||||worry>>worries係因為個y前的是r不是VOWEL,當你加s時要變做IES Spirit 的 t 前是i 是vowel 所以可以只加s 就得了 但你發現wind 係加s 就可以,係因為佢唔係y 尾呢~ 所以加s 就得~