

math hw meet difficult , have any one can help me





question 1: refer to the given triangle ABC. Find∠BAC in radians according to the conditions given in each of the following.(a) ∠ACB=1.2,∠ABC=0.4(b) ∠ACB=95°,∠ABC=35度(Give the ansewrs correct to 2 d.p)question2 : In each of the following , indicate the quardrant(s) in whichθ... 顯示更多 question 1: refer to the given triangle ABC. Find∠BAC in radians according to the conditions given in each of the following. (a) ∠ACB=1.2,∠ABC=0.4 (b) ∠ACB=95°,∠ABC=35度 (Give the ansewrs correct to 2 d.p) question2 : In each of the following , indicate the quardrant(s) in whichθ should lie to make the statement true for example : (a) sinθ is positive .(the answer is I or II) (b) cosθ is negative (c) sinθ= -0.375 (e)sinθ=5/√29 (f)sinθ>0 or cosθ0 or cosθ0 (j) sinθ= -3/5 and cos θ=4/5 question 3 : covert the following into degree measure.(give the answers correct to 2 d.p) (a) 5/9 radian (b) 0.8 radian (C) 2.4 radians question 4: covert the following into radian measure .(give the answers correct to 2 d.p) (a) 72度 (b) 155度 (c) 280度 above those questions need to write step clearly and 翻譯chinese,thankyousomuch!! psquestion1-4needto翻譯chinese,thankyou! 更新: this math hw need to 17/10/08 hand in, i hope have anyone can reply 17/10 before ar, thank you so much!^^


問題 1: 參照已知三角形 ABC,根據以下所給條件,計算∠BAC,以弧度角表示。(答案準確至 2 位小數) (a) ∠ACB=1.2,∠ABC=0.4 ∠BAC = p - (1.2 + 0.4) = 3.14 - 1.6 = 1.54 (準確至 2 位小數) (b) ∠ACB=95o,∠ABC=35o ∠BAC = 180o - (95o + 35o) = 50o = 50o x [(p rad) / 180o] = 50o x [(3.1416 rad) / 180o] = 0.87 rad (準確至 2 位小數) ===== 問題 2: 在以下各題中,指出 q 所在的象限,使陳述正確。 例如: (a) sinq 具正值。(答案是 I 或 II) (b) cosθ 具負值 答案是 II 或 III (c) sinθ= -0.375 答案是 III 或 IV (e)sinθ=5/√29 答案是 I 或 II (f) sinθ>0 或 cosθ0;在象限 II 和 III, cosθ0 或 cosθ0;在象限 II 和 III, cosθ0 答案是 I 或 III (j) sinθ= -3/5 及 cos θ=4/5 答案是 IV (在象限 III 和 IV, sinθ0) ===== 問題 3: 把以下轉換成角度量度。(答案準確至 2 位小數) (a) 5/9 rad = (5/9 rad) x (180O) / (p rad) = (5/9 rad) x (180O) / (3.1416 rad) = 31.83o (準確至 2 位小數) (b) 0.8 rad = (0.8 rad) x (180O) / (p rad) = 45.84o (準確至 2 位小數) (c) 2.4 rad = (2.4 rad) x (180O) / (p rad) = 137.51o (準確至 2 位小數) ===== 問題 4: 把以下轉換成弧度角量度。 (a) 72o = 72o x (p rad) / 180o = 72o x (3.1416 rad) / 180o = 1.26 rad (b) 155o = 155o x (p rad) / 180o = 2.71 rad (c) 280o = 280o x (p rad) / 180o = 4.89 rad =


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