我想問下,液體係咪可以託運,但唔可以隨身? 因為我有帶con,咁con水擺落託運行李ge面頭,con case裏面有少少con水係咪都要寄艙? 另外我自製左d果凍蠟做禮物(冇擺到燭芯),可唔可以託運? 果凍蠟凝固之後係固體,受熱先會變液體 但我唔肯定冇燭芯ge果凍蠟叫唔叫易燃,可唔可以託運 如果唔帶得,咁係咪要寄過去? 更新: 仲有我想知託運液體係咪要用1個擺到1公升ge透明密實袋? 邊度有得買? 更新 2: 同埋可唔可以帶電芯過去?
我想問下,液體係咪可以託運,但唔可以隨身? - You can 託運 as many as you want. - You can 隨身 to carry a little bit. 因為我有帶con,咁con水擺落託運行李ge面頭,con case裏面有少少con水係咪都要寄艙? - For 隨身液體 as liquid con case in a 1公升ge透明密實袋. Together with other liquid or semi-liquid you want to carry. 另外我自製左d果凍蠟做禮物(冇擺到燭芯),可唔可以託運? - Candle should not be a problem to 託運. 果凍蠟凝固之後係固體,受熱先會變液體 - In 託運, they don't care if the thing is liquid or solid. 仲有我想知託運液體係咪要用1個擺到1公升ge透明密實袋? - Only 隨身液體 needs 1公升ge透明密實袋. 託運液體 - you can pick the way as your wish. 邊度有得買? - Supermarket: They are 一般三明治袋 同埋可唔可以帶電芯過去? - There are special rules from "lithium batteries" (Laptop kind of battery). They need to be in your carry on items - Alkaline batteries such as Duracell batteries (AA/AAA batteries) are not really applying to this rules. - See: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/assistant/batteries.shtm
1.In most of the cases, yes. For contact solution, see here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003908/Newlyweds-miss-dream-honeymoon-TSA-agents-took-half-hour-test-bottle-contact-solution.html?ito=feeds-newsxml 2. Yes. For detail of liquid guideline, you can refer to: http://www.tsa.gov/311/|||||危險品可免則免,唔值得幾多錢,最重要你都係同機過去。