各位朋友,煩請幫忙找尋下列3首歌之介紹資料﹕ 1.Intermezzo in A, op. 118 no. 2 2.Prelude and Figue in D, BWV874, 3.sonata in C, K 309 我需要佢既彈奏技巧介紹! 更新: 我現在只需要﹕ Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude & Fugue No. 5 bwv 874的資料! 謝謝各位的幫忙! 我要呢首歌既介紹呀! thx~~~~~~^^ 我愛你地呀!
Bach Prelude & Fugue No. 5 bwv 874 As with all the pieces by Bach,consistent fingering and patience is of utmost important. Prelude(3 part)--the opening is similar to that of the first movement in Mozart sonata--K576,also in D major.(2 part writing). the structure is similar to the sonatas by Scarlatti,binary form. Practice each part seperately and the passages slowly first,then gradually increase in speed. As usual,the quavers should be detached. Fugue--This quite a difficult 4 part fugue to play well. first ,figure out the main motif---D D D G Bof the whole piece so that you know when the important theme enters. Then,count the E A G F# motiv--they are neatly interwoven within the whole fugue.If you can count how many of these are in the fugue, you will have a better understanding of the whole piece. Again,first practice one part,then 2 part ..3 ..4 parts together finally. Finally a note on the Mozart sonata in C, K 309 If you are taking for a diploma exam.,the examiners are looking for cantabile playing,expresiveness and neat articulation,even in the fast passages,the melody should be "flow like oil." To bring out the cantabile melody in the second movement and the right hand tremelos in the third movement need particulat attention.
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