



我的情況︰我廿多歲,做平面設計,男友在美國,本來打算在一年內結婚。想在結婚前,和媽咪報團去美國旅遊,順便看一下當地的情況。去簽證時,是一個會說廣東話的女人接見。先是問我的工作,再跟我要報稅表(由於不用交稅,所以只準備了公司報稅表,但她說沒有用。)再向我要銀行證明,我把存款證明給了她(工作了三年只有4萬----可能不夠多)她還很眼尖地看到我有兼職(從存款看出來,真厲害),然後她說我提供的公司假期紙只有公司印,沒簽名(因為打算簽了證再確定放假日,所以沒有老闆簽名)。她再問我們一家幾人,又問為什麼爹爹不去(沒假期呀!難道她們以為工作中的人那麼容易有7天假嗎?)再來,問我媽咪怎樣認識我爹爹的(可... 顯示更多 我的情況︰我廿多歲,做平面設計,男友在美國,本來打算在一年內結婚。想在結婚前,和媽咪報團去美國旅遊,順便看一下當地的情況。 去簽證時,是一個會說廣東話的女人接見。先是問我的工作,再跟我要報稅表(由於不用交稅,所以只準備了公司報稅表,但她說沒有用。) 再向我要銀行證明,我把存款證明給了她(工作了三年只有4萬----可能不夠多) 她還很眼尖地看到我有兼職(從存款看出來,真厲害), 然後她說我提供的公司假期紙只有公司印,沒簽名(因為打算簽了證再確定放假日,所以沒有老闆簽名)。 她再問我們一家幾人,又問為什麼爹爹不去(沒假期呀!難道她們以為工作中的人那麼容易有7天假嗎?) 再來,問我媽咪怎樣認識我爹爹的(可能看我爹爹長得俊,後悔沒趕在我媽咪之前認識他吧……苦笑) 再問了我媽咪的工作和人工(我媽咪的薪金是低,存款也只得5萬……唉,我家就是窮……望天) 再問我們那邊有沒有親人,是沒有親人呀! 然後叫我們再坐一會,等叫NUMBER 第二次,是一個會說普通話的領事見我們,又是一個女的(女人啊!何苦要為難女人?) 其實要見第二次,我都明白是不行的了。 那女人跟我說,打了電話去我公司,可是公司裡的人跟她說沒有我這個人(暈……我的人緣果然是有問題的,本來就以為他們打給公司也沒問題的,結果被同事擺了一道……我撿討>.<) 接著,她問我媽咪,打算去美國用多少錢? 我回答︰5萬(兩人團費共1萬5千,我付的。我媽只給玩和吃的,大約數萬) 她就說我媽咪這麼低的薪金,不能負擔(拜托,有存款好不好……雖然不多) 再問我們有沒有去過別的地方旅行,我說沒有(她說中國內地的不算) 然後就不批了…… 好吧!我是明白不批的原因啦!本來以為旅遊簽證很容易的…… 現在,我只想問,這一次的失敗,會不會讓以後的未婚或配偶簽證更難? 還有,我和男友各自需要準備什麼資料才能增加申請的成功率?


In answering your question: Definitely. Based on your situation, I don't really think that the documents are the issues why you are denied. The real reason is the U.S. Consulate suspect that you lied on the application. Let look into the whole situation. You choose the safest way to apply for travel visa (Smart!) because tours always have a set route and most of the expenses are covered. So even you don't have a lot, as soon as you don't stay over (based on your deposit receipt from the travel agency), you should be fine. (Beside about USD$312.50 per day for personal expense is a little too much). When they think you are lying, they start digging up from your documents, so they call your company. And you know the result. So this is a typical case of denial because of fraud. The reason of denial is stored in the system. So each time when you apply, this situation will come up again. In term of your another concern, the most important is you must be able to show how your relationship is not fraudulent. The rest will depend on who read the application.


First, let me tell you what's may have gone wrong in your Tourist Application. Money and you cannot demostrate that you have a job and a home to return to after your Tourist has finished. The money you two have is extremely little, for a 7 days trip, you need at least 10k USD ~ 78k HKD Also the discrepancy from your work is also a big factor contributed to the refusal of your visas OK, now to your question Although every cases are considered separated but you cannot shake off the history, the question on how your visa got refuse will come up, but just relax, cos financee visa is totally different. The factor this time is on the relationship between you and your husband, work on that and you should be ok.|||||簽證是每次計的. 故下次申請不會有影響. 我細佬試過, 第一次去申請 travel visa. 唔批!! 過 2星期再去. 帶同一樣既文件. 批左!! 有個傳說, 見親女既多數唔會批. 我細佬都係見個女 ka 第一次. 第二次見條鬼佬就得左!!4E350C6F8B48ECA2

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